From ChatGPT to Advanced Reasoning with GPT-4

How should lecturers confront the frenemy of take-away CATs?

Nashon J. Adero
7 min readMar 14, 2023
University students waxing lyrical about generational succession and our common futures with digital transformation during a public lecture session held at Taita Taveta University (TTU), Kenya. Photo taken during the Enactus TTU Open Day on March 10, 2023.

If COVID-19 deserved the description this thought-leadership and mentorship series gave it as a disruptive, destructive, distractive, and distancing disease, then justice can only be done by describing ChatGPT as a disruptive innovation that is creative, constructive, compelling, and connecting people and ideas.

The Challenge of Nurturing Thinkers and Innovators for the 21st Century

The President and CEO of Enactus, Robyn Fehrman, recently visited Kenya and met with university students and faculty advisors. Enactus offers university students the much-needed platform for social entrepreneurship and innovations. Her speech placed emphasis on deploying business and innovation skills among the youth as a promising way of impacting lives and livelihoods for shared prosperity in a sustainable world. This is the same world in which generative artificial intelligence is rapidly transforming ways of creating knowledge and developing skills. How will this affect the youth’s creativity and innovative capacity? On March 10, 2023, the Enactus Club of Taita Taveta University held an Open Day on the theme: Accelerating Sustainability and Entrepreneurship for Social Impact. The Annual…



Nashon J. Adero

A geospatial and systems modelling expert, lecturer, youth mentor and trained policy analyst, who applies system dynamics to model complex adaptive systems.